Club members |

Club members

Маркалов Александр Анатольевич Markalov Alexander
Chairman of board.
The 3-rd class commercial pilot, He has generally flown 1564 hours.
He finished Egor'evsk Aerotechnical School in 1979;
The Moscow institute of engineers of civil aircraft in 1992;
The Kaluga Aerotechnical School in 1999.
The mastered types of planes:
Yak-40, L-410, Yak-18Т, Yak-52, Dimona HK 36 TTC, Mark-3.
Маркалов Вячеслав Анатольевич Markalov Vyacheslav
Flight director.
The 1-st class pilot, He has generally flown 10640 hours.
He finished Sasovsk flying school in 1981, the Moscow High
Technical school of civil aircraft (MVTU GA) in 1994.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т, AN-2, AN-24, AN-26, IL-62, Yak-40, Yak-52, Dimona HK 36 TTC, Mark-3.
Бараклинг Ханс-Йоахим (Германия) Barakling Hans - Joachim (Germany)

The professional pilot and the instructor.
He flied by jet planes of different types and was the pilot of the first National aerobatic group of Germany.
He has generally flown 5000 hours.
Has mastered in aeroclub An-2 and Yak-18Т planes.
Actively participates in the organization and realization of the Club's international air flights.
Кеосаян Давид Эдмондович Keosayan David

The 3-rd class commercial pilot.
He has generally flown 1200 hours.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т, L-410, L-29, DA-25, DA-40, Yak-40.
Гильманова Елена Альфисовна Gilmanova Elena
The amateur pilot since 1999.
He has generally flown
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т, Yak-40, DA-20, DA-40.
Пашков Дмитрий Геннадьевич Pashkov Dmitry
The amateur pilot since 2000.
He has generally flown
360 hours.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т, L-29, Yak-52, L-410, R-44, PA-28, BE-23, Cessna-172.
Шубин Д.А. <Shubin Dmitry
The amateur pilot since 2000.
He has generally flown
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т.
Орлов Алексей Леонидович <Orels Alexey
The amateur pilot since 2000.
He has generally flown
379 hours.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т, DA-20, DA-40.
Кокоев Казбек Керменович Kokoev Kazbek
The amateur pilot since 1997.
He has generally flown
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т, L-410.
Скрябин Сергей Анатольевич <Skryabin Sergey
The amateur pilot since 2001.
He has generally flown
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т.
Красненкер Александр Семенович Krasnenker Alexander
The amateur pilot since 1997.
He has generally flown 105 hours.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т.
Кукин Яков Александрович Kukin Jacob
The amateur pilot since 2002.
He has generally flown
53 hours.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т.
Аганбегян Абел Гезович Aganbegyan Abel
The amateur pilot since 2001.
He has generally flown
136 hours.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т.
Мусатова Татьяна Дмитриевна Musatova Tatiana
The amateur pilot since 2003.
He has generally flown
60 hours.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т.
Мищенко Владимир ВладимировичMishenko Vladimir
The amateur pilot since 2002.
He has generally flown
46 hours.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т.
Пряхин Константин <Pryahin Konstantin
The amateur pilot since 2002.
He has generally flown
41 hours.
The mastered types of planes: Yak-18Т.